There will be much to see and plenty of action.
A great day out for all the family
Magnificent mobile steam vehicles, portable steam engines in action, miniature railway and tractor rides, vintage industrial steam and diesel engines operating, vintage earth moving machinery, heavy horses at work,tractors, steam tug engines, blacksmith demonstrations, model engines, face painting, food, live music and more.
Checkout some of the displays
Steam traction engines, steam rollers and steam trucks will all be out and running. After the grand parade the engines are lined up and there will be an opportunity to inspect the engines close up and chat with their drivers.
The miniature railway and tractor drawn people mover will be busy giving rides for all. The grounds are quite extensive so a ride on the train or people mover is a good way to get the top paddock.
Start and stop your favourite Thomas engines to control their run around the tracks.
Over the last decade the club and its members have built up an impressive collection of earth moving machinery. The Morris family will be putting on a great display in the back paddock with diggers, graders, draglines and bulldozers and a dump truck. All those classic sandpit toys in full size playing in the dirt. A special display in this centenary of Caterpillar machinery is being put on by the ACMOC, Catch the miniature railway or the people mover to the back paddock to save your legs.
The club's impressive diesel engine collection will be performing all weekend. Try and catch the big engines starting up. Start up and running times are displayed near the engines. Dont miss watching a start up and run of the newly restored Willans engine.
A number of portable steam engines are on display.
Portables include a Melbourne manufactured Herbert Thompson engine.
It all looks much more interesting when you see it working.
The club's philosophy is to be a working museum and the aim is to get the exhibits operational. At Steamfest we go one step further and try to demonstrate machinery carrying out the tasks it did in its working days.
The package boiler serving steam to the engines in the Stationary Steam Engine Museum will be in action all weekend keeping the magnificent exhibits turning over.
There are some great pieces of Victoria's industrial and maritime history on display here and they come alive with a gentle hiss of steam.
Steam hammers were once an essential tool of heavy engineering but you are unlikely to see one in operation anywhere but here. Our energetic blacksmith group are progresively bringing an impressive collection of vintage workshop tools online.
The tanks are always a crowd pleaser
The little engines that kept our farms and small business running when electricity was not readily available are out and running.
The steam engines and pumps that operated the steam tug Lyttelton II are set up to mimic the ship's engineroom.
Over the Steamfest weekend the club's exhibits are enhanced by exhibits and displays from other clubs, individuals and community groups with complementary interests.